This course is designed for beginners who want to learn React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Students will learn the core concepts of React, including components, state, props, and hooks, and how to build interactive and dynamic web applications.
Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Familiarity with JavaScript ES6+ features (e.g., arrow functions, destructuring, spread/rest operators)
Overview of React
React vs. other front-end frameworks
Setting up a React development environment
Creating the first React app using create-react-app
JSX (JavaScript XML)
React Components (Function and Class-based)
Rendering Components
Understanding components
Props: Passing data to components
Component composition: Nesting components
What is state?
Setting and updating state
Functional vs. Class components with state
Handling user input (click, change, submit events)
Binding event handlers
Rendering elements conditionally
Using if statements, ternary operators in JSX
Using map() to render lists
The importance of keys in lists
Key best practices
Controlled components
Handling form inputs and submissions
Understanding lifecycle methods in class components
Common lifecycle methods: componentDidMount(), componentDidUpdate(), componentWillUnmount()
Fetching data from an API
Setting state with data from API calls
What are Hooks and why they are useful?
useState hook: Managing state in function components
useEffect hook: Handling side-effects
useContext for managing global state
useReducer for advanced state management
What is context?
Creating a context and providing values
Consuming context values in child components
Managing global state using Context API
Advantages and limitations of Context API
What is React Router?
Setting up React Router
Creating and navigating between pages with BrowserRouter, Route, and Link
Working with nested routes
Using dynamic URL parameters for routing
Using useEffect with async functions
Managing loading, success, and error states
Understanding error boundaries in React
Handling errors in components
React.memo for functional components
useCallback, useMemo for performance optimization
Dynamic imports and lazy loading with React.lazy()
Code splitting for better performance
What is testing and why is it important?
Tools for testing React applications (Jest, React Testing Library)
Writing tests for React components
Simulating user interactions
Designing and building a full-fledged React application
Incorporating React Router, Hooks, and State management
Code best practices
Deploying a React app (using Netlify, Vercel, or GitHub Pages)
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