PHP is a widely used server-side scripting language that has become increasingly fast and powerful through the years. You can also use it on the front-end since PHP can be embedded right into HTML. These features make learning PHP a great option for any web developer. In this skill path, you’ll work through PHP fundamental programming concepts and gain the skills necessary to develop programs in PHP.
Overview of PHP
History and Evolution
PHP vs Other Server-Side Languages
Installing XAMPP/WAMP/LAMP (Local Servers)
Configuring a Web Server (Apache)
Using Composer (PHP Dependency Manager)
Introduction to PHP IDEs (VS Code, PhpStorm)
Opening and Closing Tags
Comments in PHP
Syntax Rules (Case Sensitivity, Semicolons)
Declaring Variables
PHP Data Types: Strings, Integers, Floats, Arrays, Booleans
Typecasting and Type Juggling
Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical Operators
Assignment Operators
String Operators
Conditional Statements: if, else, elseif, switch
Loops: for, while, do-while, foreach
Declaring Functions
Function Parameters and Return Values
Variable Scope (Global vs Local)
Built-in PHP Functions
Anonymous Functions / Lambdas
Indexed Arrays, Associative Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays
Array Functions: array_push(), array_merge(), array_map(), etc.
VLooping Through Arrays: foreach, for
Array Sorting and Filtering
POST vs GET Methods
Retrieving Form Data in PHP
Form Validation
Handling File Uploads
Setting Up MySQL or MariaDB
Connecting PHP to MySQL
Create, Read, Update, Delete Operations in PHP
Prepared Statements and Security (SQL Injection Prevention)
Using PDO and MySQLi for Database Interaction
Fetching Data: mysqli_fetch_assoc(), PDO::fetch()
Error Handling with Databases
Starting and Destroying Sessions
Storing Session Variables
Session Handling and Security
Setting, Retrieving, and Deleting Cookies
Cookie Expiry and Path
Classes and Objects
Constructors and Destructors
Properties and Methods
Visibility: public, private, protected
Inheriting from Parent Classes
Method Overriding
Using parent:: keyword
Access Modifiers
Getter and Setter Methods
Abstract Classes
Try-Catch Blocks
Custom Error Handling with set_error_handler()
Logging Errors and Debugging PHP Code
Input Sanitization and Validation
Protecting Against SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF
Password Hashing and Verification (password_hash(), password_verify())
Reading, Writing, and Modifying Files
File Uploads
Directory Traversal and Permissions
Using preg_match(), preg_replace(), etc.
Sending GET and POST Requests (cURL)
Working with JSON Data
Consuming REST APIs
Introduction to AJAX
Making Asynchronous Requests from PHP
Handling JSON Data with PHP
Creating and Managing Composer Projects
Installing Libraries via Composer
Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter Overview
MVC Architecture
Routing, Controllers, Views
Introduction to WordPress or Drupal (Brief Overview)
Creating Themes or Plugins in WordPress
Caching Techniques
Opcode Cache (OPcache)
Query Optimization in MySQL
PSR Standards (PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-4)
Writing Clean, Maintainable PHP Code
Planning and Designing the Application
Implementing PHP and MySQL Features
Incorporating Sessions, Cookies, and Security Best Practices
Testing and Debugging the Application
Preparing for Deployment (Server Setup)
Uploading to a Web Host or Cloud Service
Ensuring Security and Performance
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