A MEAN Full Stack Developer course is designed to teach you how to build dynamic and robust web applications using the MEAN stack. MEAN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. Below is a comprehensive course outline that covers each technology in depth:
Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Difference between front-end and back-end development
Full-stack development and its importance
Why MEAN stack?
Advantages of MEAN stack for web development
Data types, variables, operators, loops
Functions and scopes
Arrays and objects
Setting up Node.js environment
NPM (Node Package Manager) and managing dependencies
Event-driven architecture and non-blocking I/O
Reading and writing files
File system module
What is MongoDB?
NoSQL vs SQL databases
Installing MongoDB locally or using cloud-based MongoDB services
Basic MongoDB operations: CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
MongoDB shell commands
Schema design
Introduction to Mongoose for object data modeling (ODM)
Querying with Mongoose
What is Express.js?
Setting up an Express server
Creating routes and handling HTTP requests
Role of middleware in Express
Writing custom middleware
REST principles
Creating REST APIs with Express
Handling different HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
Setting up database connection
Performing CRUD operations with Express and MongoDB
Angular architecture overview
Setting up an Angular application
Angular CLI (Command Line Interface)
Creating components and templates
Introduction to Angular modules and their use
Creating services in Angular
Injecting dependencies into components
One-way and two-way data binding
Structural and attribute directives
Setting up Angular Router
Navigation and passing data between components
Fetching data from a REST API
Handling asynchronous requests using RxJS and Observables
Sending HTTP requests from Angular to the Express backend
Handling responses and displaying data in Angular
User authentication using JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
Implementing login and registration flows
Role-based access control
Client-side validation with Angular
Server-side validation with Express
Error handling strategies
Introduction to real-time communication
Setting up WebSocket server using Socket.io
Real-time updates in Angular
Unit testing in Angular (using Jasmine and Karma)
Unit testing in Node.js/Express (using Mocha, Chai, and Supertest)
Deploying Node.js application to Heroku or AWS
Deploying MongoDB with Atlas or using a cloud provider
Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines
Plan and design a full-stack web application using MEAN stack
Set up features such as authentication, CRUD operations, and real-time communication
Implement front-end and back-end components
esting and debugging
Prepare the application for production
Deploy the application to the cloud or server
Writing clean and maintainable code
Code linting and formatting tools
Using Git for version control
Working with GitHub/GitLab repositories
Optimizing Angular applications for better performance
Optimizing Express APIs and database queries
Showcasing your projects and skills
Writing a strong resume for full-stack development roles
Common full-stack developer interview questions
Mock interviews and coding challenges
Exploring further topics (Microservices, GraphQL, etc.)
Joining the developer community and contributing to open source